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General Electric to the Rescue: Cat Refrigerator Extraction

Robert Berkelhammer

Occasionally cats get stuck behind a refrigerator and cannot extract themselves without human intervention! Certain refrigerators fit into a cubby hole with 2 kitchen walls almost flush with the refrigerator walls. This was the situation Marco Polo, a fine cat with exploratory behaviors, found himself in. I visited Marco Polo for professional cat care the first day after his family left on vacation, and couldn't find him, nor him me, after entering the home. Following his cries led me to the refrigerator. The refrigerator was about 6 feet, 2 inches tall. I stood on a chair and saw he wasn't on top. I looked at the kitchen walls on each side of the refrigerator and saw the spaces were far too narrow for a cat to fit through. I became worried. I knew I would have to slowly pull the refrigerator out from its cubby hole, but wasn't sure how well I could move it. I also wondered if Marco Polo was injured. Did he climb down the rear of the refrigerator or fall down? Was he trapped in some of the rear hardware attached to the refrigerator? I was also concerned about the moving refrigerator hurting Marco Polo if I couldn't control the movement.

What a relief! As I pulled the refrigerator it responded quickly because of a 4-wheel system integrated into its design! The refrigerator stayed level as I pulled it out without pitching backwards, which could have injured Marco Polo. Yeah General Electric engineers! Soon Marco Polo came sprinting out, gave me an upset "Meow" with a confused gaze, reentering safe feline space! Mission accomplished! I have since returned for many visits to Marco Polo's home. I wonder how Marco Polo climbed up the stainless steel refrigerator door to the top? Did he use the long handles? How did his claws grasp the flat area above the handles? How did Marco Polo generate enough propulsion to reach the top? Did he use the flat wall and molding next to the refrigerator? Feline fans can set up their own video cam for their 4 paws explorations!

Robert Berkelhammer is the Author of Pet Care Givers & Families: Getting the Most From Dog Playgroups, Pet Sitters, and Walkers. Also, see our MULTI-USE FAMILY PET CARE CONTRACT, a must-have organizing tool for you, your family, pet care professionals, and most importantly your pets!

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